A Weird Trick For Ending Your Anxiety

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Well, it’s not exactly a trick, but it is an unusual weird way to end your anxiety. It is simply by allowing yourself to feel your anxiety. Weird huh?

Stop Being Afraid

Stop being afraid of your feelings of anxiety. Anxiety experts say that the best way to stop being bothered by anxiety is to accept the feelings of anxiety. Let the feeling run through you. It is in the fighting of anxiety and that constant resistance, that you end up becoming more anxious. What you focus on expands, so when you continually focus on your anxiety, you are holding on to your anxiety even more, instead of letting it go.

The experts also tell us that what we fear most is the anxious bodily sensations, not so much the thing itself. It took me a while to accept that this is what I fear and that these sensations will not hurt me. The panic in my chest and that feeling of dread felt a bit painful for me to bear. But overtime I realised that indeed it was the terrible feeling of panic that I wanted to stop. That’s why I would choose to take a supplement or listen to calming audio or gospel music to get over the anxious feeling.

Panic or Calm

It sounds like a no-brainer that one would want calm instead of panic, but the aim is to accept your feelings while taking necessary steps to return to a place of calm. So, let the feelings of panic flow through you, while you take deep breaths and other relaxation techniques to calm down.

panic or calm

I know it may sound confusing, but the difference is that you are not resisting the feelings of panic. You are not trying to run away from the anxious bodily sensations. Instead, you acknowledge that they are there, and let the feelings pass through you, while you work on creating a sense of calm within you.

Anxious Thoughts

Anxious thoughts can be a little scary, but a weird trick I learnt in one program is to imagine that a funny character is the one trying to scare you. That way, you don’t see it as a threat. Give it a try. Personally, I find that affirmations work. When a scary thought comes up, I counteract it with affirmations such as I am safe. I am protected. All life loves and supports me know. Or I repeat the scriptures to remind me of God’s promises. Do something similar that work best for you.

funny scary cartoon character

Manage Stress

Accepting your feelings does not equate to not managing your stress. Continue doing that meditation, yoga, tai chi or massage that helps you feel more at ease. Just don’t overwhelm yourself in the process of trying to rid your anxiety.

I once read something funny in a program that asked readers to imagine what people would say about them when they died. The pretend eulogy of someone with anxiety mentioned that the person died after reading their 100th book about anxiety. When I first read it, to be honest I didn’t get it. I thought, well, what’s so wrong with wanting to learn all you can about dealing with your anxiety so you can finally get beyond it? I only accepted that funny story after I got tired of reading all the different books about managing my anxiety. I also got tired of listening to the same old audio every night for several months, to prepare me for the next day’s drive.

It finally hit me that I would spend countless time reading books and doing constant meditation, just to feel safe and at ease. I would much rather spend that time doing the things that I enjoy.  That’s why I finally accept to let the feelings of anxiety flow through me. When I accept it, I won’t be so consumed with reading book after book and doing program after program trying to find the cure. I also won’t feel attached to supplements. Some supplements make me feel tired when I would much rather feel energized. It makes sense to me now that if you are no longer bothered by a feeling, then it becomes less of your focus. So, the fear of that feeling starts to leave you. It’s a weird way to end your anxiety, but so far it’s working for me.

Remember, none of the above should ever take the place of what your medical doctor has told you. This article is for informational and educational purposes and does not replace medical advice.

Best regards



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