About Me

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Hi there,

I am Karlene Stewart, creator of Let Panic Flow, a site intended to help people practice healthy lifestyle habits that will reduce and even eliminate much of the stress and anxiety from their lives. As a mother, corporate worker, wife and freelance writer, I have my fair share of stress, so any resource that can help me keep a life of balance I am all open to know about it. I suspect that by sharing what I find out with others, I can help bring stability to other people who are also seeking this valuable kind of help and information. We all experience stress and anxiety in our lives and can all benefit by coming back to a state of balance. To give you a bit of background about me, I am a published writer of both fiction and non-fiction works. I hold a Master of Arts Degree in Communication for Social and Behaviour Change from the University of the West Indies. I am also a financial services About MeAdministrator.

My Story

As I mentioned before, I am a mom, a wife, a freelance writer, plus I work full time in a corporate environment. Oh yes life does get pretty hectic at times. There have been times when my stress level became so high that I experienced panic and anxiety. Being the objective thinker that I am, I always like to rationalize the situation, search myself, assess what is really happening and search for solutions.

Stress is Normal but Distress Is Not

Stress is a normal part of life and can even be a motivator. But when the stress is so bad that you are frustrated, irritable, angry, panicky and anxious, then you have a situation that you need to control before things become way out of control. Don’t let stress ruin your life. There are many resources available to help you cope and come back to a state of balance. On this website I will be sharing articles and product reviews with you that will help you open up your mind to other possibilities, and all the options I mention within are safe and natural.

I wish you all the very best on your journey through this life of bumps, hills and valleys, and if you ever need any feedback or support, feel free to connect with me directly by adding your comments below or emailing me.

Best wishes,


Creator of Let Panic Flow
email: kstew@letpanicflow.com


  • Hi Karlene, I can relate to the symptoms you describe here, I’ve struggled with anxiety & crippling panic attacks my entire life. So bad in fact, I had to quit my passion of being a musician, I couldn’t handle the stress & constant anxiety while on the road.

    It’s great to see such a helpful site & I look forward to seeing it grow & mutual with interesting content.

    • admin

      Hi Jason,

      I am truly sorry that you had to quit your passion. I wonder if there was a way that you could practice it in a different setting? So in a setting where you don’t have to be on the road? Sorry, I don’t know very much about working as a musician, so apologies if I am not making complete sense. I find that while writing is my passion, when I did it as a full time job I did not enjoy it as much and felt some discomfort, so that is the reason I wondered if there was any way you could still hold on to your passion, but eliminate the anxiety part of it, which seems to be going on the road. But alternatively if you could become comfortable then you will hopefully be able to go back to it.

      Thank you so very much for your kind words, and I look forward to continuing to provide more helpful content.

  • Nice website, I am currently retired but I am wondering after reading your website if during my work career if I was going through panick attacks and did not even realize it. I blamed myself because I was like a little mouse and stayed to myself and it seemed others picked on me but once I left that job and got into what I called the real world (contracting) people seem to have respect for me and that built up my ego a lot. I think sometimes finding your right career helps build your self esteem and your panic goes away or at least for me it has but I do know of others that have panic attacks and it is hard for me to understand why they don’t do something for themsellves to get them out of that state, you do have some great points and thanks for sharing.

    • Karlene

      Hi Caroline, thank you. Yes I agree with you. Long term I definitely intend to avoid those kind of jobs that cause me such anxiety. At first I was in fact being more like a shy little mouse and was definitely in flight mode, thinking I have to get out of there, but when I read the Panic Away ebook I felt more empowered and realized that I did not have to feel trapped, so I spoke up and communicated the challenges I faced to my employers and it made me feel so much better. I think that’s probably a part of the work place anxiety, when we feel we just have to take and take and never speak out because we fear our bosses or fear losing the job or something.

  • Hello Karlene

    I read your About Me story ..my congrats to you having a wonderful career, like you
    Your site has excellent content with an exciting theme to the story. by reading the story one can see that is had been written by a professional. person..

    I would recommend that you carry on building the fantastic site….this gives many people the opportunity to start doing various things themselves …and treat it as a personal challenge..

    Excellent and well done.

    My site is bring built to advertise my company in South Africa.



    Niel Olsen.

    • Hi Nelson,

      Thank you so very much for your kind words! You have a lovely spirit. I have taken a look at your site as well and left you a comment. You are off to a great start, and great knowing about your company.

      Kind regards,

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